Best ice fishing ponds for catching large trout in Lincoln County, Maine (winter of 2014)

Nine ponds in Lincoln County, Maine, were stocked with trout in the fall of 2013 to support ice fishing. Most of these fish are relatively small (7” to 12”), but plentiful, in order to provide fast action on the ice.

The state also spiced up several of these ponds with bigger trout, which I define here as fish measuring 13” or more, and weighing at least 1.0 lb. This blog highlights the ponds (presented in alphabetical order) in Lincoln County where ice fishermen have the best odds of catching those larger fish through the ice.

I only include ponds that were stocked in the fall of 2013 with a minimum of 1 large trout per acre. As a rough yardstick, the average stocking density for landlocked salmon in Maine ponds and lakes is about 0.3 to 0.5 salmon per acre, which equals 1 salmon every two to three acres. Keep in mind that the number of bigger trout stocked in a pond is typically much lower than for the smaller trout. Hence, patience is required to catch those larger fish.

It is highly recommended to consult the latest regulations (available at about special ice fishing rules that may apply on the ponds described below. I did my utmost best to verify that a particular pond is indeed open for ice fishing, but I make no guarantees that my interpretation of the Maine fishing rules is accurate or correct. It is up to each reader of this blog to ensure that a pond listed below can be fished through the ice. Note also that the list excludes “kids only” ponds.

Finally, use the website linked to this blog to discover how many trout and salmon are released per acre in the spring and fall in all the 600+ stocked ponds and lakes throughout Maine.

A fat 17" rainbow trout caught through the ice

A fat 17″ rainbow trout caught through the ice

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Biscay Pond covers 377 acres and is located off Benner Road and Fogler Road in Bremen, Lincoln County (see The Maine Atlas and Gazetteer map 7 A4). A depth map and more fisheries information can be obtained at This pond was stocked in the fall of 2013 with big brook trout (400 fish of 13” and 27 fish of 19”) plus big splake (200 fish of 13”) which yields between 1 and 2 large trout per acre.

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Knickerbocker Pond covers 105 acres and is located off Island Road and Knickerbocker Road in Boothbay, Lincoln County (see The Maine Atlas and Gazetteer map 7 C2). A depth map and more fisheries information can be obtained at This pond was stocked in the fall of 2013 with big brook trout (150 fish of 13”), which yields between 1 and 2 large trout per acre.

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Little Medomak Pond (a.k.a. Storer Pond) covers 75 acres and is located off Storer Pond Road in Waldoboro, Lincoln County (see The Maine Atlas and Gazetteer map 13 D5). A depth map and more fisheries information can be obtained at This pond was stocked in the fall of 2013 with big brook trout (100 fish of 13”) and huge brown trout (15 fish of 24”), which yields between 1 and 2 large trout per acre.


Was the information in this blog useful? I invite you to share your thoughts and opinions. Also, feel free to discuss your fishing experiences at any of these locations.

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